
Planted: 2024-06-11
Last tended: 2024-06-11

These are my current favorite podcasts. I listen to them mostly when I’m doing chores (washing dishes, meal prepping, etc).

Developer Voices

Developer Voices is a podcast where the host, Kris Jenkins, has discussions with developers on what they are working on and how they are moving the industry forward. It’s my current, most favorite tech podcast. The host does thorough research. The guests are not limited to a particular topic. You get a wide range of guests that talk about completely different topics. Kris gets right into the topic and they go deep, while still providing high-level details. That is what I like the most about this podcast. It is 100% content and no fluff.

Link to developer voices

My favorite episode: Building the Zed Text Editor (with Nathan Sobo)

Local First

Local First is a podcast about local first software development. I’ve been reading about the local first architecture recently and that’s how I got introduced to this podcast. Johannes Schickling, the host, is also the creator of Prisma. He is one of the influential people in the local first community. The guests are people who are either working on apps that use the local-first approach or are building/researching on the local first approach. The conversation in this podcast also goes deep.

Link to LocalFirst.fm

My favorite episode: #1 – PVH: An Intro to Local-First - localfirst.fm

This episode gives you an intro to local first and also a taste of the podcast.


Acquired is a podcast about the world’s greatest companies, their history, and how they are run. This is the first non-tech podcast in this list. Honestly, I only started listening to this recently, and sometimes I don’t listen to the entire episode because they are usually 3-4 hours long and I don’t have that much time for a single podcast episode (with all the other things). But if I have more time, I would definitely complete all the episodes. The hosts, Ben and David, do extremely thorough research and explain in a very engaging way.

Link to Acquired

My favorite episode: Hermès: The Complete History and Strategy